Monday, October 20, 2008

One in a Million

For a full weekend recently, I was blessed to be a part of a spiritual retreat where I was humbly and powerfully in the Presence of God. I cannot describe such beautiful prayer that lifted me up to the Throne room of the King of kings. But even in this setting of wonder in His Presence, I still wondered about life at the base of the mountain. I don't trust experiences, I want His Eternal Presence. One week later after the retreat, I still wondered and just wanted to wait for Him. Knowing that I can't conjure up "feeling His Presence" and still distracted by life, I simply prayed for His Spirit to quiet my mind to just be with Him and His Word. True encounter enveloping experience.

It astounds me how God moves in from left field, especially when we are gazing so intensely to see Him arrive from different direction. I had been reading Beth Moore's book, Jesus the One and Only. As I struggled with diversions and distractions, Beth reminded me to continue reading from GOD's Word. I have the time to read; I also have the distraction to divert my attention and affections. Not my will, but Yours, my true Rabbai, Master and Lord.

So, in a quiet prayer surrendering my distraction and submitting my desire for His Spirit's supply of wisdom and understanding, I read the passage in Luke 8:1-11 - the parable of the sower and the seed.

I remembered that Beth's simulcast message was on these verses, so I search for my notes. Oh, how her sweet words moved me to fall before the feet of Jesus...but oddly, so did one photo, among the dozens. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands attend Beth's conferences. Thousands. This photo was in one of those settings. Quite simply, Beth is looking straight into the eyes of a young girl and holding her "sweet head," as Beth would say.

I closed my eyes, and felt Christ doing just the same for me. I just wept in His gaze and His embrace. His Words were flooding over me, just me, as He always intended. This is what I really want - He comes as He is, far more than I could imagine or hope for my human expectations. Just to trust and to be. Oh, how He moves to just be with me...He is One to hold this one, among the millions.

Experiences and moments are only gateways to His Beautiful Presence. I know this, yet I still tend to seek them as an "end" and not a "path." Blessings here and there are revealed as markers to show the way and shower us with His love. When we seek Him first and only, the rest is certainly revealed, only to show us another way to His Presence. Seek Him and He will reveal Himself - expect the unexpected - He is not a tame lion.

Glorify Adonai


Melissa said...

You should be a writer Michelle! This is all so true. The Lord has been wooing me back to studying his word. Spending time with him, I've been so distracted by "life" but there is a thirst that can not be quenched by that life that has kept me busy and away from his word. I'm doing that Beth Moore 90 days with Jesus Bible study and it is really renewing my hunger for Christ.

Anonymous said...

Write on my dear friend. You have a beautiful way of discribing details in a picturesque way. I love it. Thanks for sending it my way it blessed my day.
Love you and miss you bunches. Lisa

Abba's Child in S FL said...

Amen and Amen!
thanks so much for sharing. Please keep it up :)
I can SO relate!
Ever in Abba's Embrace...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Michelle! Thanks for taking the time to write and then include me on your blog email. I am inspired and encouraged by your words. Beautiful!!! Love you, Diane