Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." John 20:27

"Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain" Revelation 5:6

Seeing is not always believing; but touching erases all doubt. By design, intimacy requires closeness, and the closest human experience is touch. I know this, well…first hand.

The most powerful moments in Israel came from a simple touch.Viewing the Jordan River was beautiful. Immersing in the Jordan River was breathtaking. Approaching the Western Wall was intriguing. Touching the ancient stones was indescribable. Moments of touching authenticity brought an intimacy that my heart could only know through my hand. There is a time where we watch from a distance, but then there is a moment when we touch for ourselves. From doubt to destiny.

I know Thomas understands. The name “Thomas” is synonymous with the word “doubt.” Yet, Thomas was the only one invited into intimacy for his honesty. To touch His Wounds...what a powerful moment! 

From this moment through all of eternity, Perfection Glorified chose to keep these scars. Everyone doubts. Could His eternal scars be, so that we all "see and believe"?

Turned from Upper Room to Throne Room, my moment stands with Thomas’ moment: My decision in faith, leads to my declaration of glory, and my blessing in belief.

My Declaration of Jesus as Lord: Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"  John 20:28

His Declaration of me Loved: Then Jesus told him, "Because you (Thomas) have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those (me and you) who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29

The paradox is that we won’t touch these eternal scars unless we first believe…for Jesus brought to us a much greater gift – He brings us the touch from within.

“Reach out and touch My scars whenever you doubt Me at any time, in any way. Stop doubting and believe, again and again and again. Place your hands here…and here. Feel the scars, pressing you against My pierced side. I will never leave you, but I will intimately touch you now and through eternity.”

His scars testify of one word: Believe.

Enjoy Him, Michelle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I shared a comment earlier that was so profound, witty and encouraging that...oh well. But again I say "thank you" for "touching" with honestly and word pictures from your heart. I loved this line: "Jesus brought to us a much greater gift – He brings us the touch from within." That's it! I must choose to follow what I know He is doing in me and not wait to FEEL and SEE my circumstances before I allow Him and His Word to change me. God bless you dear friend!