I checked on my texts account today and found that I was way over my limit. I called ATT to assess the damages. What I heard was the divine.
I explained to the service rep that I had a lot of email texts from Sunday and was wondering how much it was going to cost me. In her distinct Virginia accent, she said, “Let me tell you about my text from Sunday. I wasn’t even thinking about Valentine's Day or any of that. I got a text from a number I didn’t know that said Happy Valentine’s Day. Be blessed. I had never heard of that number, so I’m sure that message was from God. I can't tell you how much that "mistake message" wasn't a mistake at all, it was a miracle to my week."
She went on to talk about how God is all around in the big and little things. She talked about in the intricacies of thousands of animals, just the animals, God shows His handiwork. And He sends her a note – through an unknown angel – to remind her of His love for her. Then she quoted her favorite verse…the verse that I read just this morning: “His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness.” Lamentations 2:23 "Every morning," she said with joy.
She was just thrilled to share her story with someone who didn’t think she was crazy. I told her that I'm sure I was more thrilled to hear than she was to share! God knew that her heart needed to be reminded of His love. There are no mistakes or coincidences. Whatever the natural world may try and dismiss, her heart heard Him; and He knew that she would receive Him.
God was the operator, connecting that call; I’m sure more for me than for her. God is the ultimate operator making connections in my life day after day; most that I am completely unaware of. The customer service rep. The co-worker. The Facebook “friend.” The parent. The child. The shoe salesman. On and on and on. Connections without even trying, just from living out from under a rock.
That call was 23 minutes long. 3 minutes was spent on me, 20 minutes was blessed on me. I was charged for the texts, $2.30. Each message was of loving conversation between family and friends. But the greatest message came today: a vivid visual of one woman’s heart who couldn't wait to share the message that God Himself sent to her: I LOVE YOU! Her life was broken down, but her heart was full of love. Her voice spoke volumes as her words praised Him.
His reminders are all around if we are willing to seek Him first and let all other things be added to the details of our days. Watch for Him, and He will speak to you. Or even text you. Or email you. Then storyboard you to share His love.
Read His Word. Seek His mercies. Share His love. How do you see Him revealed all around you?
Enjoy Him, Michelle