Friday, September 14, 2012


We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Our conversation was on communication. By invitation, I offered my observation. And so I began: “I understand that when something comes into your mind, you shut out all else and run full steam ahead with that determined thought,” I told him. “I hope to present various options for you to consider before making decisions; but words are useless to you until you listen me. I'm not presenting thoughts to fix your circumstances necessarily; I am presenting ideas to broaden your options.”

The observation wasn't for my friend, as it turned out. It was for me.

The Holy Spirit spoke: “May I present a reminder of my healing ways, obsessed one.” “Yes, Lord,” I responded. And so He began.“When your weekend plans got completely turned around from your expectations, what did you do?” I answered: “I obsessed over it for a day or so. I was feeling quite justified in my obsession. Then I laid it on Your altar and trusted You.” He spoke again, “When you felt as if you ruined a recent job interview, what did you do?” I answered, “I obsessed over it for a day or so. I even invited friends into my obsessed thoughts. Then I laid it on Your altar and trusted You.” He spoke a third time, “Where is your history and where is your healing?” I responded in truth, “My history speaks of countless times where I become fixated on an issue until it is it resolved, either in reality or in my mind. My insecurity has brought me to run with my obsessions right into ruin. My healing has come from listening to You. My healing has come from trusting You. My healing has come from obeying You.”

Now my own words confirmed in beautiful conviction as the Holy Spirit spoke to me: “I understand that when something comes into your mind, you shut out all else and run full steam ahead with that determined thought,” He told me. “I hope to present various options for you to consider before making decisions; but My words are useless to you until you listen to Me. I'm not presenting thoughts to fix your circumstances necessarily; I am presenting ideas to help your way.”

Bring every thought into the captivity of Christ, lest I be brought under captivity of my thoughts. Every thought. Should I be obsessed with Christ, as He is obsessed with me, then my mind move for only one thought above all else: listen for His voice. Speak Lord, Your servant is listening. 

Enjoy Him, Michelle